A day spent at Gardens by the Bay

We're back in the apartment and it is 8:40pm, and we are all pooped.  A big, big day at Gardens by the Bay.  This time it was visiting the Flower Dome and the Cloud Forest - with the added lunch at the Hawker Centre and Children's Garden.

When we arrived at the Gardens it was hot!

I have had to resort to using an umbrella for the sun, its so hot.  Our first stop was lunch at the hawker centre in the Garden called Satay by the Bay.

... and so we enjoyed our second serve of satay sticks at Satay by the Bay.  Surprisingly MasterW has been asking for satays since our first dinner on Satay Street.  We also an oyster omelette.  Washed down with two Tiger beers and lime juice.

From there it was off to the Children's Garden, where we knew there was a water play area for MasterW.  There we stayed for around 2 or so hours - as MasterW and MisterD were having a fun time in the water.

Something which we noticed was the strictness of the young watch men/women.

Around the water play area there were a number of young men and women keeping a very, very close eye on all the adults and the children.  When a child did something wrong, like hold onto or swing around on one of the poles (that had a sprinkler head) - you should have seen the number of watch men run towards the child to tell them not to do it.  It was incredible.  Obviously a reason why kids should not do it - but the number of people that would run towards the child and another lady on the edge of the play area with a whistle, appeared to be somewhat of an overkill.

As we were walking out, I observed a young girl, possibly 4 or so years old, grab one of the poles and ran around it.  The whistle was blown and then 2 - 3 guys from different directions went running towards the little girl.  This poor little girl had no idea what was happening.  She would then be told not to do - and everything would go back to normal until the next kid did the same thing - which was pretty much happening every 5 - 10 mins.  I was tempted to ask why are they so strict - but then decided to simply let it go.

After the Children's Garden it was off to the Flower Dome.

Instant relief when you walk into the dome with the cool temperature.  It was sensational.

Not really our (or my) thing.

It was good, don't get me wrong - and was amazing to see all the trees and plants in the Dome - but for us it was a quick wander through the Dome as we were more exciting to step into the Cloud Forest.

One thing I did enjoy was taking photos of the flowers - as the colours were just stunning.

Next the Cloud Forest.

The moment you walk in the door you are greeted by this magnificent waterfall.  MisterD says it would be around 10 stories high.  It was huge!

As we slowly wandered through the Cloud Forest, I came to the realisation that such a tourist attraction like this, where you are surrounded by tourists, lining up with tourists etc, etc really does do my head in.  The rudeness of some, is incredible.  I know, I know - here we are a tourist ourselves, but I do believe we have manners, respect and are not the type who pretty much push through people.

Can see the top walkway up top of this photo
Magnificient waterfall as soon as you walk
into the Cloud Forest
Some people are just so so rude.

MisterD at one stage was taking a picture of MasterW and this lady barged in, stepped on MisterD's toe and continued to stand and pose for her photo.

Not one single sorry, or acknowledgement of what she had done.

OK - maybe she didn't realise what she did.  It was all about the photo and the spot where she wanted to pose.

Anyway enough of the negative vibes 😉 ..... we walked through the Cloud Forest admiring it creation.  It is enormous.

On the top floor we walked along the walk way and at one stage when I looked down, I was realised how high we were and then had to hold onto the rail.

MasterW asked us yesterday after we watched that swirl of water at the Marina Bay shoppes, who created it - and our response was some very clever people.

The same goes with these two conservatories - it is clever, and it truly has to be seen to be believed.  Once again the photos do not justice to the scale and magnitude of these attractions.

By this stage, I think we were in the Gardens for 5 - 6 hours and so time to head home for dinner.

Stopped at Suntec City, mighty big shopping complex not too far from our apartment - and grabbed ourselves some dinner.

Stopped at the Lego shop and of course could not resist buying a new Lego set.  This time, Stars Wars.  MasterW's first Stars Wars lego.

As I type this blog, I seriously feel my feet throbbing.  One of my feet has swelled slightly.  I noticed this, as my sandals which I have worn to China, Hong Kong and now Singapore suddenly felt tight on one foot.  I'm guessing that the heat and the amount of walking which we are doing is starting to take its toll on the body.

Poor MisterD has been carrying MasterW on his shoulders from time to time.

We both agreed that this is likely to be the last holiday where MisterD will be able to do this - as we are certain that in a year or so, MasterW is going to be too big, too heavy.

We truly pack alot into our days, and we generally walk around alot - and MasterW certainly keeps up with the occasional trip on dad's shoulders.  However (fair to say) I think we are all feeling it tonight.

MasterW's best thing of the day was eating satays.
MisterD's best thing of the day visiting the Flower Dome and the Cloud Forest.
MissC's best thing of the day.  I'm with MasterW, I very much enjoyed the satays.  Interestingly the cost of the satays here were half price to the satays which we had in Satay Street.

MisterD's tip of the day take a towel if you are heading to the Children's Garden, water park and keep an eye out for the female cleaner in the male's change rooms.


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