What a way to end our day!

Today's post will begin with the end because it was the best!  I absolutely loved, loved, loved it - and both MisterD and MasterW agreed that it was awesome!

Singapore city skyline - just one side of the harbour
It was the Spectre - Water and Light Show at Marina Bay.  Marina Bay has certainly been our location of choice for so many attractions.  And tonight did not disappoint - in fact its coming a very close second to me feeding my adored giraffes at the Zoo.

I did not capture any photos of the show.  Photos will never ever do it justice - and the other reason I did not get my phone out, was because I wanted to simply enjoy the moment.  And I definitely did.

The music seriously gave me goosebumps as it was so effective and its timing to the music was pure perfection.  Absolutely loved it!

What also topped our night - was heading back to the MRT station through the Marina Bay Shoppes (this is how I have noticed 'shops' being spelt) - we noticed a whole lot of people around the big bowl, in the roof, which we had seen the other day.  However this time there was water swirling around it.

.. and then when you go down a level you see the water gushing out into the canal which goes through the mall.

A reminder of The Venetian when I was in Vegas with MissE.

MasterW was truly fascinated.  Like in his bath, he loves watching the water as it goes down the drain.  He loves watching the 'tornado'.

The sound of this water gushing out was incredible.  It certainly kept the three of us entertained for about 10 mins.

Once the water had stopped - we headed to the MRT and caught our train back to our apartment getting off at Nicholl Highway station.

Was a fantastic end to our day!

Let me now get back to where and how our day begun.  MasterW and I are continuing to wake up pretty early, just before sunrise.  We manage to get a bit of tv time in the morning, and me - well it has entailed some washing and drying of clothes.

With the weather being hot n humid, we are each changing clothes each day.  The bonus of being in a self contained apartment is of course having access to a washing machine and dryer.

We learnt that lesson in Hong Kong - when we had to get our clothes laundered by the nearby chinese laundry 2 - 3 times during our stay.

Once MisterD was up and about, we then got ourselves ready and off to Chinatown we went.

A short MRT ride and we were there.

Driverless trains 
Something else that has fascinated us whilst here in Singapore has been the driverless trains or remote controlled trains (as MasterW knows it as).  We've been making our way to the front of the train just so we can view the track/tunnel.  Its pretty cool.

Have to admit I was tad bit freaked out there for a moment when you could see trains lights coming towards you, and then noticing the slight deviation of the tracks.

I know I have made this comment in the past when we were in Hong Kong, but when you visit other countries (like China, Hong Kong and Singapore), you realise how far behind our public transport is back in Australia.

We haven't caught many buses here - however in terms of the trains you just cannot fault the system.

It just works!

One of our first stops when we arrived in Chinatown, was a shop which had some hand painted Christmas baubles, in which our names could be painted on the inside.  Of course I could not resist. A special memorable Christmas decoration for our tree each year.

MasterW watching as our names are painted inside the
christmas bauble
In hindsight, I wish MisterD and I had not had our baked eggs at the cafe on our way to Bugis MRT.

By having such a big and late-ish breakfast, it meant we were not hungry when wandering around Chinatown.  That was not a good decision - because the food which we saw, looked fantastic.  A missed opportunity thats for sure.

MasterW on the hand was hungry and all he wanted was a sandwich.  What! my boy - all this yummy food, all around us - and all you want is a sandwich! Some noodles, some rice?  Nope, I just want a sandwich.  And so  7 Eleven sandwich it was - which he polished off in no time.

Its was rainy day and so our visit to Chinatown meant a constant pulling out of our umbrellas as we wandered around.

We visited the Buddha Tooth Relic Temple - which was special.  MasterW and I lit an incense stick and said a prayer.  Was so sweet to see MasterW closing his eyes, and saying his little prayer and making a wish.

After a few hours in Chinatown, we eventually made our way back to our apartment, and even though it was raining, we headed for the pool and had a fun and relaxing time around the pool.

MasterW making friends with a young boy and girl.  Apparently the kids have agreed to meet at the pool tomorrow at 5.30pm.

The week has suddenly gone so, so fast - as I realise tomorrow is Friday.

We are certainly making the most of our time in Singapore - and am enjoying every single minute.

MasterW's best thing of the day was the water and light show.  "It was awesome"
MisterD's best thing of the day was the Spectre - water and light show.
MissC's best thing of the day was the Spectre - water and light show!

MisterD's tip of the day always carry napkins/serviettes when visiting foodcourts and hawker centres.


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