Feeding time at the zoo

Its Wednesday morning - as I write this post.  A very tiring day yesterday, did not have the brain power or energy to type our daily blog when we returned from dinner last night.  And so whilst my boys are slowly waking up, I share with you our adventures from day two here in Singapore.

Day two in Singapore saw MasterW and I once again woke very early and watched another sun rise whilst MisterD slept.

We decided that Tuesday was our day to make our to Singapore Zoo.  We travelled there via the MRT and a Shuttle from Khatib station.  A funny ride in the Shuttle with MisterD sitting in the back seat with his knees practically up against his chest.  Feeling every single bump in the road.

It was at this point, when I thought I should have gone to the toilet before hopping on this Shuttle.  Had to tell MisterD to stop making me laugh because there may have been an accident on the bus - which would not have been pleasant 😂.  Even had to explain to MasterW that Mummy can't laugh too much, as I might wet my pants 😂

Arrrrrhhh the serenity
Am pleased to report there was no accident on the bus - and lets just say I was pleased to reach the Zoo and make our way to the bathroom - and what a wonderful surprise when you walk into the bathroom and you're in the jungle.

Make our way into the zoo and decide to eat some lunch before we getting started.  Let's just say what a good decision that way to beat the rush.  As we were finishing up there were a number of people with trays of food trying to find a place to seat.  As MisterD said, we could have sold our table at that point.
Feeding the elephants 

Tummies full and we were off - first stop was making our way to the elephants so that we could feed them.  MasterW's favourite animal and so that was quite the experience.  We all had the opportunity to do and it was a memory which we will not forget.  So awesome to be up so close to an animal.  We were handed a basket with sticks of carrots and a couple of bananas.  I did wonder, do we peel the bananas?  Answer no, they take it and eat it, skin and all.

It was very hot and very humid, and so when we could, we hopped onto the very frequent trams which were taking people all around the zoo.  Only problem is that you drive past animals - and so we did find ourselves planning which animals we wished to see - and as result did not get the chance to see it all.

After the elephants we were off to the Kidz World, where MasterW got to play in the water park.

As we made our way to my all time favourite animal, the giraffes - we experienced our first downpour of rain. Didn't last long, but enough to get our umbrella.

Oh how I adore this animal
It was about twenty or so years ago I feed giraffes in NZ and since that time, I have absolutely adored them.  And so we once again got up close and fed giraffes their snacks of carrots.  It was the best!  Made my day!

At this stage, I think five or so hours had passed, and the sky was looking mighty dark and so we decided to make our way home.

A great day at the zoo and great experiences which I know MasterW will remember.

You definitely could spend two days at this zoo - and so I think we will see how we go.  It is a long way out when travelling via the MRT - however we did resort to a taxi ride home, which was not too bad in terms of cost and time.

For those of you who know of our family travels, riding the MRT is all part of the journey which we wish for MasterW to experience - and so when we can, we do use the public transport service - which works so well.

Once we arrived back at our little apartment we decided it was time to swim in the hotel pool, which was a welcomed relief to cool down.

Then it was off to dinner across the road.  We are across the road from the Arab Street district, which has some awesome middle eastern food - and so we could not resist.

Funny thing was that MasterW's made his request (for dinner) to head back to the Hawker Centre and eat satay's again.  We will get there again, for sure - but we thought good chance whilst all very tired to simply walk across the road.

Fair to say that Tuesday was another great day had by all.

MasterW's best thing of the day was feeding the elephants in the zoo.
MisterD's best thing of the day was feeding the elephants and the giraffes at the zoo and seeing King Julian wandering the zoo grounds on the way out of the zoo.  (Those of you who know Madagascar movie will know who King Julian is).
MissC's best thing of the day was being up close and feeding the giraffes 💛

MisterD's tip of the day when feeding the giraffes don't put your bags down on the feeding deck within reach of the ostrichs, in the pen next door.


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