So glad we chose Singapore

We always like to finish off our holiday blog, with some final thoughts and reflections.

First up I can most definitely say, we had another wonderful holiday with many memories created and loads of laughter and fun.

Am so, so glad to have chosen Singapore as our holiday destination - and just like Hong Kong - I am sure we will go back.

I do find when you visit a city/country a second time, it is different experience - because you know exactly what to expect and you are somewhat familiar with the areas etc.  Plus of course you can get to do the things which you may have missed.

With this trip there were two main things which we did miss.  Having a Singapore Sling cocktail at Raffles and riding the Cable Car at Sentosa.  But its OK ... we did so much each day, that we were so happy and very much enjoyed what we did do.

Singapore  is very easy to move around, is so clean and language is no barrier - as english is spoken pretty much every where you go.  Making it all so much easier for us all.

It was quite noticeable upon landing at Melbourne International airport and getting through customs etc, etc - we all decided time to go to the bathroom/toilet before we head to our car, and drive our hour long drive home.  As soon as I walked into the ladies toilets, it was immediately noticed how grotty the toilet were as opposed to what we had experienced in Singapore.

I always made a point of rating the toilet/restrooms in Singapore as there would be a picture of the cleaner on the screen with a rating system of 1 - 5 smiley/not so smiley faces.  I truly appreciated the cleanliness of the restrooms and I wanted the cleaner(s) to be recognised for doing such a great job.

For those of you who remember my blog when I travelled to China, this was something which I was very particular about - and in China the toilets/restrooms etc were terrible.  In China I found myself not drinking much as I did not want to go to the toilet - and on one day it was so hot, I nearly passed out, because I was so dehydrated.

In Singapore - this was of no concern whatsoever.  

I also like how Singaporeans consider mums and bubs.  I often saw a little seat (in one cubicle) in which a baby could be placed.  I also noticed little basins, for children to easily reach in nearly every restroom.  From what I hear, MisterD made mention of the urinals for kids too, and basins also present in the mens.

What also amazed me was the architecture and the buildings in Singapore.  

Of course the Marina Bay Sands Hotel, totally blew me away.  

The size and scale of the structure is just incredible.  Even though I do consider staying there, possibly on our next trip, just one night - the amount of people is not something which I would like.  To look at all the people in the infinity pool, is definitely something which I know I would not like.  Too many people everywhere!

View from our apartment - first morning watching the sun rise
The Parkroyal on Beach Road - serviced suites - I cannot fault.   Would most definitely stay there again.  Location was terrific with easy access to two nearby MRT stations.

The upgrade to a two bedroom suite/apartment was super - making our 7 night stay extremely comfortable.

Something which I have realised is that having self contained suite/apartment is definitely more suitable for our family of three.  Having the washing machine and dryer was a godsend, especially as we were pretty much using one set of clothes every day as it was so hot and we were so sweaty each day.  
Allowing MasterW to go to bed early in his own room, meant MisterD and I could have a little time to ourselves - whereas in a hotel room, with just the one bed - MasterW would struggle to go to sleep, and so we often all went to bed same time, which MasterW was going to sleep alot later than normal.

The food! Wow, wow, wow! It was sensational.  Foodcourts, hawker centres etc were so cheap and so yum!  

Of course it did depend where we went - ie you may recall our hawker centre experience in Little India (Tekka Center).  There was no way, we were going to eat there.

The food court at Marina Bay Shoppes was fantastic.  So many food stalls to chose from.  

I think we ate there 3 - 4 times during our stay eating something different each time.  Each dish, if I remember would be around SGD10 ...other hawker centres I remember paying SGD5 for char kuey teow.

We stayed across the road from Arab Street and had a lovely lebanese dinner one night - it was yum! But it was also on the pricey end which we would not have been able to do too often.

Speaking of spending money, Sentosa was where our money was spent very quickly.  Not from a food perspective, but from the attractions.  

We had 2.5 days on the island - and loved every minute of it but we did not get to do everything which we wanted to do.  

We could most definitely have stayed there for another 2 - 3 days.  Food on the Island was also very nice.

Staying in just one hotel room, sleeping in the one bed - made me realise that I think this would be the last time we arrange accomodation like this.  Three (3) nights was ok, but any more would be challenging.  I found myself not sleeping as well with MasterW moving all around, sometimes sleeping across the bed.
Waterfall as you enter Cloud Forest
The activities/attractions that were available in both Singapore and Sentosa Island were absolutely fantastic.  Some very clever people have come up with these ideas - and I take my hat to them.

When I think about the Supertrees, the Flower Dome, the Cloud Forrest, Kidzania, Marina Bay Sands Hotel, the laser, light & water shows etc, etc, etc.  All of it was simply fantastic!

We did not get chance to view the new Jewel at Changi Airport.  

The Jewel opened to the public the day which we were flying out.  With a morning flight there was not the time to make our way to the Jewel - which as I read has an indoor waterfall, which I can only guess is similar to the one which we saw at the Cloud Forest, the moment we walked in the door. 
Quite possibly the last holiday of carrying
MasterW like this
MisterD also came to the conclusion during this holiday - that this is quite possibly the last holiday where he can carry MasterW on his shoulders.  

With the hot weather and the walking which we did, MasterW would tire and so the only way to keep us moving and do the things which we wanted to do was to carry MasterW.  

He's getting big and there were times, that the lift (up) was a bit of a struggle.  

He certainly ain't getting any lighter.

... and so this brings to the end of our blog where we share our Top 3 things about our holiday to Singapore.

MasterW's Top Three
  • The Supertrees in Marina Bay because they were so beautiful.
  • Satay by the Bay because the satays were so yummy.
  • Skypark at the top of Marina Bay Sands Hotel because we were so high and we could see how our hotel.

MisterD's Top Three
  • As funny as it sounds, the flight back in the A380 was cool, because I had never been in one before.  I really noticed that the take off length was very long and was impressed at how quiet the cabin was.  So quiet that I had to be careful when I wanted to fart lol.
  • Seeing all the awesome architecture especially Marina Bay (Sands Hotel, Supertrees, Gardens etc) and visiting the many historic quarters of Singapore (Little India, Arab Street, Chinatown)
  • Experiencing something different every day with my family

Miss C's Top Three
  • Really enjoyed our day at Singapore Zoo and of course what topped it off for me, was feeding the elephants and the adorable giraffes.
  • Snorkelling at Adventure Cove Waterpark and watching MasterW take to snorkelling so easily for the first time.  Then to see him so excited and so happy about seeing all the tropical fish underwater.
  • Loved the food especially the satays which we ate, the various noodle dishes we had, the lebanese dinner, the pancakes, chendol (dessert) - all of it was yummy!


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