The eagles have landed

Boy oh boy, feels like we have been here for days lol.  Went to bed late, woke up before sun rise, and now just having a little moment relaxing in our apartment.

Got to love it, when you check in and the receptionist says, we have upgraded you to a 2 bedroom deluxe apartment.  Nice! Meaning we need not all sleep in the one bed, which we have had to do in Hong Kong and were planning to do here in Singapore.

Agoda website, was a very handy site to book our accommodation.  I remember keeping an eye on various hotels where I was keen to stay - and then each day receiving alerts on discounted rates - and so here we are at the Park Royal Serviced Apartments on Beach Rd.  Paid for a one bedroom apartment and got ourselves two bedrooms and two bathrooms.  Means we have so much more space that all being crammed in the one hotel room.  I remember how our Hong Kong hotel room looked so big in the photos.

So we are all very comfortable in our little apartment.

We landed a little after 9pm local time - a good flight, with MasterW falling asleep one hour or so before landing.  MisterD and I had our little snoozes on the flight and MasterW very comfortable and very happy watching movies and playing games.  MasterW was asleep when we landed - and then woke with a big smile on his face - when we said 'Hey buddy, we're in Singapore'.

Its so funny, as it happened to us in Hong Kong too.  We get off the plane, toilet stop as soon as we get off plane, and then slowly make our way to arrival gate(s).  There is no-one there, no other passengers - or maybe one or two.  Passports stamped and then head to baggage - there we find our bags are the only ones on the turnstile.  Are we really 'that' slow, making our way to our bags???  Three of us had a big laugh - as we remembered same thing happening in Hong Kong lol.

Finally make our way to the taxi stand.  Taxi driver, is driving along, using the lane markings as simple guides we think. Lol.  He was wandering all over the road, it was a tad bit concerning at times - however we realise he no doubt knows what he is doing.

Arrive at our apartment - nice surprise to be upgraded - and then at about midnight local time (2am new Melb time) we finally all went to bed ..... and woke up before sun rise, around 6am.

MasterW's was quite chuffed to see his first sunrise.

We had an early breakfast, wandered around the local area ... and then back to the apartment for a little rest before we head out again.

MasterW's best thing of the day (yesterday) was seeing our new hotel.
MisterD's best thing of the day (yesterday) was arriving safely and seeing the look on MasterW's face as we drove into Singapore in the taxi.
MissC's best thing of the day (yesterday) was hearing the words 'you have been upgraded ....'

MisterD's tip of the day - when in a Boeing 777 use the toilets at the back of the plane, they are four times bigger than the toilets in the middle.


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