Home sweet home ... 💙

Its 6.30pm Thursday evening, and we're back in Melbourne.  Its so dark.  The day we left Melbourne was the day which daylight saving ended and so tonight is our first evening without daylight saving - so it feels so much later than it actually is.

Yesterday's post finished a little earlier than expected as we were boarding our homeward bound Singapore Airlines flight.  Only to sit in hot plane for approx 30 mins.  There was an electrical issue being dealt with and we needed to wait for the Engineers ok, before leaving. 

Its not nice hearing that the plane you are on and about to spend 7-8 hours on has an electrical problem - then again, I had to keep reminding myself that it was a good thing they detected it and are fixing it.

I do, admittedly, get a tad bit nervous flying these days, especially when there have been so many tragic events especially more recent situations like Malaysian airlines, plus the recent Boeing Max tragedies.

... and so when we did 'touch down' in Melbourne it was an enormous relief.  I imagine I am not the only person to say this - its just some of us may think about it more than others.

Thankfully we made up time - and the flight ended up being a little over 7 hours, which was terrific.

MasterW was very tired, having woken up at 5.30am and so was good that he managed couple of hours sleep on the plane.

Landed about 8.40pm (Melb time) and then by time we got to our car, and drove home, it was just before midnight.
Our final dinner was Malaysian Food Street just
outside Universal Studios

Big sleep in for MasterW, waking up at 11am.  We had lunch at 3pm, and no doubt a late-ish night was us tonight.  Seems we are still operating on Singapore time.

Its only two hours difference, which is nothing - but coming home, we have definitely felt it more than when we arrived in Singapore.

Getting back to our final day in Singapore on Monday.

After we were dry, from our afternoon at Adventure Cove - and I was dry, drying off with paper towels in the female change rooms, we were off to dinner.

The plan was earlier (than normal dinner) so that we get back to the hotel, and pack our bags - as it was going to be early start Tuesday morning to get to Changi Airport.

Char Kuey Teow

We found Malaysian Food Street outside Universal which was very tasty.

MasterW surprised us, saying he was happy to have some chicken rice - which he enjoyed.  MisterD and I went for the Char Kuey Teow - and once again to our surprise, MasterW says 'I'd like to try some kuey teow'.  So he did and he liked it.  Wow, our boy is surprising us!

MisterD and I have, when available, shared chendol, a malaysian dessert.  They're big servings and so it has always been worth us sharing.

So, it was a fantastic final day in Singapore.  Another day filled with loads of fun at Kidzania and Adventure Cove Waterpark.  You could without a doubt, have spent whole days in each of these places.  We, unfortunately couldn't do that, with our limited number of days. 
We could get enough of this dessert - Chendol

Fair to say, we very much enjoyed the time which we did have at these Sentosa.

As I have mentioned in a previous post - you truly could spend entire week at Sentosa. 

... and so we share with you our best things from our final day in Singapore.

MasterW's best thing of the day (Monday) was going to the Waterpark.
MisterD's best thing of the day was proudly enjoying watching William's first snorkelling experience and his first big water slide - somewhat like a roller coaster.
MissC's best thing of the day was seeing William snorkelling at Adventure Cove and thinking that just 12 months ago, who did not like putting his face in water.

MisterD's tip of the day - take a towel to the waterpark and do not walk too far in wet thongs, as you'll end up with (thong) blisters.

Like many of my other holiday blogs, I will share our final thoughts and reflections of our trip to Singapore.  That will then finalise our 'family fun time in Singapore' blog.  COMING SOON


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