Off to Sentosa today

Its Sunday morning, way too tired to post last night - and so I share with you our day yesterday before we make our way to part II of our holiday.  Final stretch entails three stays staying on Sentosa Island.  And so this morning we pack up our things, say goodbye to our little Singapore apartment and say hel-lo Sentosa.

We had bit of a false start yesterday morning.  The plan was to take a wander around Little India and capture some vibrant colours of streets, building etc.  So we made our way via the MRT, just two stops - a nice quick train journey.

We'd read about a hawker centre, Tekka Center and so we figured lets make our way there and grab ourselves some lunch.

Just realised I did not take a photo to show. When we arrived at Tekka Center, it was by no means the type of hawker centre in which we had become accustomed to.

We'd learnt on a travel youtube video about the gradings of hawker centres - but we are yet to see where this is stated.  It was initial comment to MisterD as we walked up the steps to the Center.

Anyway, we decided to walk around - just in case we walked into a not so nice part of the Center (wishful thinking).  Even MasterW made comment how the tables are all dirty.  Dirty from the perspective that there were food trays left with half eaten food.  And so to find a table that had been cleaned and was free of any of half eaten or food tray was pretty much impossible.

MasterW was keen, as were we to make our way out - and so we did.

Next thought maybe let's walk around the nearby streets and see what we find - as this has been the strategy which most times has worked for us.

Unfortunately not this time.  Alot, alot of people, alot of cars and extremely hot in the sun.

We didn't eat in Little India, nor did we find the colourful, vibrant streets - it was an area which, for me and I do believe MasterW was sensing, feeling the same - that we were not feeling comfortable.  Of course the hot sun, and temperatures were not helping either.

... and so back to the MRT it was.

Next thought, as it was approaching midday by this time - was to travel to Newtown - as we saw (once again) on a travel video, a good hawker centre.  Its the hawker centre filmed on the movie Crazy Rich Asians - not that I have seen the movie mind you lol.  Knowing that this was one stop from Little India, we thought lets do it.

When we arrive at Newtown MRT - first check is the Locality Map so that we get our bearing and can determine which exit (A,B,C, D, E and sometimes F) we needed to get out of.

For those who have travelled and used the metro station - determining which exits, is an important decision as it there can be quite a distance btw the exits when you reach street level.

Anyway we check the Locality Map and realise it is a bit of a walk from the MRT exit - and at that point, we bail and decide to hop back on the next coming train and head back to Bugis Junction which is a shopping complex of which we know there are a number of eateries.

MasterW at this stage is starving and all he wants is pancakes.  Knowing there was a pancake cafe - we made a bee line for it.  Only to find that it was full and we needed to line up.  So determined to eat pancakes, it was difficult to change MasterW's mind - and because of the time we knew that our chances were slim to be able to sit down anywhere - and so we waited, and we waited, and we waited.

Fair to share we wait in a line for about half hour.

The things you do for your kids, hey.

They were pretty damn good - and so by the time we ate, and our tummies were full - the journey to get to that point, were forgotten.

After lunch we did a little shopping and then made our way back to the apartment - as we were keen to cool off in the hotel pool.

On our way back to the apartment we stopped at the nearby Sultan Mosque.

We took our sandals, thongs off, were given the appropriate clothing to cover up and we stepped into the very peaceful and quiet surroundings.

My immediate thoughts when walking into this mosque was Christchurch and the thought of people in their place of worship, praying (as we saw people here) and to think that terrible, evil person took their lives away, just like that.  It truly saddened me - and saddens me once again as I type this, because it is just so, so, so wrong.  Those poor, poor people who lives were cut so short and for those whose witnessed this evil act 😔

After the Mosque it was back to the apartment.

Walking through the hotel doors, MasterW says 'aarrrr that's better' the moment he feels the air conditioning.  It is definitely a welcomed relief the moment you open those doors.

After a swim, in which MasterW is meeting many young kids and having a great time - we make our way to dinner.

The thought was to visit Raffles and have a Singapore Sling - but due to the extra hour or so spent in the pool, we bypassed Raffles and made our way to nearby streets to find ourselves dinner.

We came across an indian food stall - and so the end of our day, finished how our day had been planned to begin - with eating of some indian food.  An enjoyable dinner.

The cost of dinner was possibly close to the one cocktail we would've had at Raffles. Oh well, this will have to be on the to do list for next time.

MasterW was not 'in to' the indian food - but thankfully chicken nuggets and chips were on the menu (with a slightly upset tummy in the morning, I was happy for him to not to be too adventurous).

He allows his food to cool down and then starts eating - dipping his chips, nuggets into the tomato sauce.  Then he says 'hot, hot, hot' and starts to drink his water.  Then starts to eat again - and again 'hot, hot, hot' .... fanning his mouth.  No idea why he was saying it was hot - I tasted a chip and a nugget and said what do you mean, it ain't hot.  By this stage, MasterW has finished his bottle of water and is now drinking mine.  C'mon buddy - it is fine.  Its not hot.

Then the thought of the tomato sauce dawns upon us - as I have noticed chilli ketchup in our travels.

Bingo! It was! Poor kid who is a lover of tomato sauce, is dripping away - and we were not realising it was that sauce that was hot.  We were thinking he was complaining of the food being temperature hot.

From there, he starts to eat without the sauce, which back in Australia - would've been a no go .... and we are all good.

After dinner, another little wander around the shops and markets nearby and then back to the apartment.

By the end of the day, we are pretty much pooped.  The heat undoubtedly takes a lot out of you.

... and so its Sunday morning - we are soon off to breakfast, and then time to pack our things and make our way to Sentosa Island.

MasterW's best thing of the day was going to the Mosque.  In his words it was quiet and very peaceful.  Plus thought it was funny, how the attire which we had to wear, had mummy looking like a man and daddy looking a lady.
MisterD's best thing of the day was also going to Mosque and having to wear the respectful attire.
MissC's best thing of the day was moment of reflection, whilst visiting the Mosque and thankful that MasterW is experiencing and understanding and respecting people's place of prayer.


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