The Travel Bug has bitten the three of us

School holidays and so time for us to hop on a plane and head to our overseas family holiday #2.

Destination Singapore! 

MisterD and I could not help ourself. Seeing MasterW enjoy Hong Kong so much last year we thought we’d keep on exposing our little man to other countries. 

In preparation for our family holiday, we’ve been doing our usual research ... watching YouTube travel videos - and so to say we’re all excited would be an understatement. 

MisterD and I set countdowns on our phones .... I think it started at 166 days ago (or thereabouts).

Have to admit, watching the travel videos, my mouth has been watering looking at the food - looks incredible.  First nights stop for dinner, I'm hoping will be "Satay Street".  The satays looks amazing!!!!

Here's hoping MasterW is little more adventurous at trying new foods this time - he says he'll try.

Need our little buddy MissS, who was a great encouragement for MasterW in Hong Kong.  Watching MissS eating the foods, had MasterW try it too.  It is in Hong Kong where MasterW discovered pork steam buns.

He's even asked that I take his kids chopsticks with us.

We arrive in Singapore Sunday night - and so we start to explore - what looks like an amazing city - first thing Monday.   

I hope you guys can join us once again - and read our daily blog.  

MisterD is sure to include his word for the day or tip of the day, whatever he feels like doing - and this time, we will include MasterW's best thing of the day.

Just two more sleeps to go ....


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